Fino Copeo | 3l
16,07 €
Fino Copeo has aged for two years under a flower veil made from the yeasts grownin our vineyard in Andalusia. The intriguing “solera” system mixes very old wineswith younger wines thus mothering the young wines. An unique experience ofmaturity and freshness.
Tasting notes
Pale straw colour, crisp and bright. Sharp and delicate (almond) aroma. Dry and light on the palate with a graduation of 15º
Average old age
2 years
Como aperitivo con buenas aceitunas bien curadas, almendras fritas y salazones como la mojama. También extraordinario con jamón y lomo ibérico. Con gambas y langostinos cocidos simplemente antológico, así como pescados y mariscos a la plancha.
Technical data sheet