Ecovino 2019
New recognition at Ecovino Awards (La Rioja, Spain)


Gold for Vermut VRMT Receta Andalusí, Piedra Luenga Cream and Piedra Luenga Pedro Ximénez.

The Ecovino University of La Rioja . This competition values the quality of organic wines from any region of the world and is organised by the Department of Agriculture of La Rioja in collaboration with the Consejo Regulador de la Producción Agraria Ecológica de La Rioja (CPAER) and Cultura Permanente.

The jury was chaired by Antonio Palacios , professor of Sensorial Analysis of the University of La Rioja and thirty prestigious wine tasters participated in it like Philippe Dardenne , Enric Bartra , Marisa Velilla , María Martín , José Hidalgo Togores , Izaskun Fernández , among others.


Ecovino 2019