Best Sweet Wine of Spain 2016: Pedro Ximénez Seleccion de Robles 1927.
Pedro Ximénez Selección de Robles 1927 has been awarded as best sweet wine in the Competition “Best Wines and Spirits of Spain 2016”.
The competition is organized by the Spanish Association of Wine Journalists and Writers (AEPEV) and is considered as one of the most independent awards in Spain. Ranking based on the proposals of the journalists and critics integrated in the Spanish Association of Wine Journalists and Writers (AEPEV), without any participation of the wineries or any member of the wine industry. Therefore, the wine experts propose the wines that have remained in their memory among the many that a specialized journalist tastes every year.
A great start to the year: On 1 January, Ernesto Gallud, Secretary General of the AEPEV, communicated to us the award and sent the Best Sweet Wine Certificate of Spain 2016 [pdf]
Pedro Ximénez selección de Robles 1927
Raisin wine produced under a 1927-year solera system.
Pedro Ximenez Selección de Robles 1927 comes from the Pedro Ximénez grapes which after harvest are turned daily by hand in the sunshine until they become raisins. Their juice becomes a wine reminiscent of cherry tree resin and quince with subtle aromas of honey and fig and an elegant touch to citrus fruits.
Bodegas Robles is one of the few wineries in the world that still own their own paseras, a place in the vineyard with a gentle slope where we take special care that the sun drying is regular and homogeneous, turning the grape bunches by hand. This allows us to take extreme care in what is considered the last artisan work of the field in Andalusia.
Aged in oak barrels according to the the intriguing “solera” system which allow us to produce a very old wine of solera 1927 which is tapped and slightly refreshed each year with younger wines. A unique experience that produces an elegant wine with a very complex aftertaste with memories of chocolate, roasted toffees, peppers and menthols.
How Pedro Ximénez wine is produced in Bodegas Robles
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