Vermouth Robles | 750 ml

Vermouth Robles | 750 ml


Bodegas Robles elaborates a range of organic vermouths made from the generous wines of organic Pedro Ximénez grapes.

Produced in natural maceration to reflect the richness of aromas and flavours of our generous wines from Pedro Ximénez grapes blended with characteristic aromas of our terroir.

In this vermouth you can enjoy aromas of citrus fruits -especially oranges and tangerines- and white flowers such as orange blossom. Wines that remind us of our land.

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Vejez promedio

Pedro Ximénez




Todos los textos e imágenes de esta web están compartidos bajo licencia CC BY 3.0. Bodegas Robles. Todo nuestro esfuerzo ha sido en vino.

Ctra. Córdoba-Málaga, N-331, Km 47,5.  Apartado de Correos, 55.  CP: 14550 Montilla CÓRDOBA (ESPAÑA). + Google Map.
Telf: +34 957 650 063, Fax: +34 957 653 140.
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