Piedra Luenga Pedro Ximénez | 500 ml
Piedra Luenga Pedro Ximénez | 500 ml
Piedra Luenga Pedro Ximénez comes from the Pedro Ximénez grapes which after harvest are turned daily by hand in the sunshine until they become raisins. Their juice becomes a wine reminiscent of cherry tree resin and quince with subtle aromas of honey and fig and an elegant touch to citrus fruit.
Bodegas Robles is one of the few wineries that own drying facilities for dehydration and sundrying
of the grapes. Taking special care that it is a regular and uniform drying, reason why it is controlled
Gold, Wine and Women Awards 2017, Salon de Gourmets, Madrid, Spain
Gold, AWC Vienna 2016, Austria
Gold, Biofach 2016, Germany .
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Ctra. Córdoba-Málaga, N-331, Km 47,5. Apartado de Correos, 55. CP: 14550 Montilla CÓRDOBA (ESPAÑA). + Google Map.Telf: +34 957 650 063, Fax: +34 957 653 140. info@bodegasrobles.com
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