Amontillado Sublime | 750 ml


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“Oloroso Abuelo Pepe | 750 ml” has been added to your cart. View cart

Amontillado Sublime | 750 ml


Amontillado is one of the most complex and unusual wines in the world. The wine initially starts as a fino wine: biological aging “under flower veil” (cap or “flor” of yeast), determining that the wine acquires (and then conserves) the biological character and finesse both on the nose and palate. Subsequently, the “flor” (cap of yeast) dies off and the wine continues to age under an oxidative process, exposed to air, just like an oloroso. Later on, the wine is blended following a solera and criaderas system.

File: Descargar Ficha

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Notas de cata

It has a distinctive amber colour and greenish hues. On the nose it is intense, fragrant, having complex aromas, roasted, smoked hazelnuts, with spicy notes such as cinnamon and cloves. Intense on the palate, with salty notes and an intense and deliciously bitter deep finish.

Vejez promedio

8 Years


Pedro Ximénez

Denominación de Origen





A wine with character, enabling gastronomic pairings with savoury and succulent dishes. Flavour packed soups are a great combination. In "Babette's Feast", it is precisely the Amontillado which was served with the turtle soup. It is also a great autumn aperitif and a fantastic combination with roast chicken, baked zucchini or mushroom risotto. It is also recommended to serve this wine near a good open fire and a platter of nuts and cheeses.

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Ctra. Córdoba-Málaga, N-331, Km 47,5.  Apartado de Correos, 55.  CP: 14550 Montilla CÓRDOBA (ESPAÑA). + Google Map.
Telf: +34 957 650 063, Fax: +34 957 653 140.
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vino oloroso abuelo pepe
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