Fino Patachula | 750 ml

Fino Patachula | 750 ml


Biological ageing. Aged under flower veil (cap or “flor” of yeast), a layer of indigenous yeasts which grow on the surface of the wine, preventing its contact with oxygen. The action of yeast imbues the wine with an extraordinary aroma.

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Notas de cata

Cared for exquisite criaderas to keep that pale and bright colour which characterises the wine. Full, light and dry flavour. Pungent aroma, delicate flower and empyreumatic (toasted) aroma.

Vejez promedio

4 Years


Pedro Ximénez

Denominación de Origen





As an hors-d’oeuvres with good well-cured olives, fried almonds and salted foods such as mojama (salt-cured tuna). Also extraordinary with Iberian ham and pork loin. With prawns and cooked King prawns simply anthological, as well as grilled fish and seafood.

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Ctra. Córdoba-Málaga, N-331, Km 47,5.  Apartado de Correos, 55.  CP: 14550 Montilla CÓRDOBA (ESPAÑA). + Google Map.
Telf: +34 957 650 063, Fax: +34 957 653 140.
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